Y'all forgetting about Tanya
Attended the conceal and carry class just haven’t got physical copy of the permit but got my gun taken by police
Nurse Posts Videos of Her Twerking on Disabled Patients
How do I make my hotel room cool down???
Anyone use a Vader bow?
Average American Closet
Carrying with a Chambered Round
Political Bias on Reddit sucks
Sex Workers Union Unleashes Fury on Judicial Building in Mexico City After Cops Release Suspect in Trans Woman's Murder Attempt
One good bump and this Tacoma is gonna break in half [OC].
To murder someone (victim is alive and suspects are charged with attempted murder)
Seeking .300blk can recs
New 300 Blackout build for Two-Stamp Tuesday
AITA??? She wants me to travel from MD to AZ to get her son this is a dating app btw
November 2024 Approval Megathread
Suppressor Recommendation?
Yet another house greedy hit.
[deleted by user]
October 2024 Approval Megathread
My Newest Addition
Taylor Swift didn't sign the guitar a man spent $4,000 on to destroy
A quote from an interview Donald Trump gave in 1998
From the desk of Trump…
Women of reddit, what is a question a man should never ask, however tempting?
Bring your kids to get a picture