Songs with male growls and clean female voices ?
Dropped cargo disappearing in Wisconsin
There is no reason for a BOT SCAV to shoot this far with a kedr nad 2 shot me in the ARM. The game is unplayable.
I'm split on my opinion of this truck, on one hand, it's pretty good at what it's meant to do, on the other, its a slap in the face to the much superior P16.
Constant packet loss, but only on PMC
I'm having trouble understanding this theorem
How to watch?
[Suggestion] Bring back the Armor Rework, add Vitals Hitbox
Time dilation and speed
Is cleaning the radiators of my laptop with a can of compressed air a viable option?
If an area on the map isn't greyed out at all, does that mean that if there was an upgrade in that area, I would see it on the map?
Do I need to wash the converter of my pen before refilling it with the same ink that was inside?
Friend logs in one day, claims his drops. Logs in the next, drops again
Europe universities in english
Just got the game, any tips?
I'm looking for a fountain pen friendly grid ruled notebook
Every time I unscrew my pen, the cartridge comes out together with the barrel
I didn't leave my fountain pen out to dry after washing it, what should I do?
Do I have to use the converter made by FC for my FC Hexo?
For anyone who's used Faber-Castell's Royal Blue ink, is it supposed to be this unsaturated? This is compared to my roller pen
Faber-Castell Hexo fountain pen or rollerball?
I talked to a girl about Rocket League
Can someone please explain what the term "entanglement" means in this situation?
Can someone please explain what "low-entanglement" means in this particular situation?