Smaller meals throughout day, but what to eat exactly?
Is it normal to be triggered off by higher sugar fruits?
Anyone here from the UK? Is surgery able to be performed at most places or is it a specialist kinda thing?
Expired Mupirocin. Is it still okay to use and will it still be effective?
A question regarding re-exposure…
Does consuming sugar and processed/junk foods delay healing at all?
Would this be a good transfer to do?
Long term users with PAWS who have recovered
When’s alcohol safe again? 2 years post-dependence okay?
They doubted me when I TC'd Mbeumo 😔
I Swear I'm Not Crazy
Wondering if it’s common to experience these symptoms with CFS. Possibly POTS?
POTS? Chronic Fatigue?
Am I crazy for wanting to take a -12 for this?
Trust me.
Natural detox?
Back in what feels like withdrawal!!
Anyone got lower than me? Was not trying to 💀.
Any vitamins or supplements to AVOID?
Could I be reacting to my own shaved beard hair? The metal trimmer? Please let me know.
Does anybody have some success stories regarding healing from mold and MCAS?
How long did your sensitivities last?
Can constant poor posture (forward head posture) cause TMJ to flare up like this? Fatigue, etc…