9 Days until release, what are your main and secondary weapons and why?
Oracle Cloud Alternatives?
Need help identifying this mod
Do datapacks work for older versions
Oracle Cloud and Server Files
Looking for a mod for draw/bascule bridges
Helios: The Dawn [Roleplay] [Modded] {NEW} {Mods and Plugins} {Towny} {Era Progression Content} {GeoPolitics} {Worldbuilding} {Greek Mythology} {Lore Quests} {Soft-Resets} {NON-P2W}
Helios: The Dawn - A Hybrid Era Progression Based RP Worldbuilding Server. [Roleplay] [Modded] {NEW} {Mods and Plugins} {Towny} {Era Progression Content} {GeoPolitics} {Worldbuilding} {Greek Mythology} {Lore Quests} {Soft-Resets} {NON-P2W}
For those who keep asking about the launch times! This is assuming there are no delays!
If anyone's curious, the max damage is capped at 990
Sukuna Carved Pumpkin!
Sukuna Pumpkin!
How to make billboard guis never disappear or cull
Mouse locking to center of screen
Mouse locking to middle of screen
Changing y axis view on isometric camera please help
Changing y axis in isometric view please help
What angle is the camera at
Detecting Camera Rotation
Locked camera on 1 axis
Paper on Perlin Noise entirely Mathematically
Is 1.2Q damage enough to clear the rat portal???
BitLocker Recovery Key