My sweet boy was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I don't know what to do.
Dog has purple/red rash around his bladder
Looking for movies like Lolita or Secretary
I’m tired and don’t know what to do anymore.
What’s something you say in the bedroom and in the bathroom?
Best Italian restaurant/sangrias?
What was your most random ADD purchase that you NEEDED at the time but when it came in the mail you just left it unopened for months and never used it.
End of dry January can’t come soon enough
What game isn't a horror but it feels like one
Should I buy it, 2020 GTI 69k miles at $25k
Buy a car under $350k
Was a squeaky dog toy that randomly appeared in my house but was my dog’s absolute favorite until I washed it and it doesn’t squeak anymore. What is it and where can I buy it?
What was the kinkiest thing you have done in your life so far?
Cannot find/add a friend
I cannot fake laugh for the life of me, is this another symptom?
TIFU by eating my man’s ass
What do you call McDonalds in your language/accent?
You're now named 'Lil" plus the object to your left. What's your name?
Received ground pork in my HomeChef box and I noticed these strands while it was cooking/done cooking. Is this normal?
What is normal at 3PM, but terrifying at 3AM?
Which actor did such a kick-ass job in a certain role that you could never imagine anyone else playing it?
What something you do in a hotel room you’d never do at home?
What's a thing that all men do but never admit doing?