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Massive trash piles even in Vedado. This is far worse than it looks. The basic functions of the state have disintegrated.
Fuel is running out. Supply chains are paralyzed. Markets are running out of food. A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding.
Lo borraron
Billboard of Fidel Castro defaced
Melia Peninsula varadero - Trip with 3 yr old
Total collapse of the electric grid again
This is what they are giving to children for lunch at school in Santa Cruz del Sur. Today, they called the parents to go and pick them up because there was no lunch. Total societal collapse.
Cubans are not "sheep". They just have a higher psychological tolerance for misery than other populations, because they have lived their entire lives in misery. Therefore, in order for them to rebel, their survival has to be threatened. This makes them strong instead of weak.
Regime thugs tried to take away people in a favela for selling gasoline to survive, the people confronted them, they showed pistols and shotguns to intimidate the people, they took a few of them
Mientras el país colapsa, el régimen ha reparado el pavimento de la calle donde está la entrada automóvil de la Torre K. Este es el gobierno que tienen los cubanos.
20 días seguidos de apagones de más de 1200 MW, y vienen más.
In front of the park next to the Capitolio (you can also see the destroyed Hotel Saratoga en the left)
Surreal that they would build this monstrosity in a country where the retirement pension is less than 5 dollars a month
People are reaching the limits of their physical and psychological tolerance with daily power outages, food and water shortages. Soon, many people will not even go to work. This will exponentially accelerate the societal collapse.
La prensa del régimen está preocupada por el precio de los huevos en Estados Unidos
Paseo del Prado 1925
1200 pesos ($3.66), almost the monthly retirement pension of 1500 ($4.57)
Karl Marx envisioned a classless, stateless, moneyless society. Today in Cuba, your social class, your connection to the state, and your access to money determines everything.
Winter is arriving in Canada, and Varadero barely goes up in Google searches compared to Cancun
Caibarien in November 2024. Look at that "street". Pure mud and potholes. A total disaster. Public services are non-existent.
Ayer en Santiago de Cuba
¿En serio pensaban que una actriz de Hollywood rica y narcisista le iba a interesar el sufrimiento del pueblo cubano? Esta tipa yo creo que hasta se siente avergonzada por haber nacido en Cuba. Mira el acento falso que pone.
Razas de perro