Advice given by Reddit: "Find an old and lonely man who owns a home."
Study shows that when women get rejected by an attractive man, they become cruel to other men.
Women feel entitled on Valentine's Day
Good Morning Reddit.
Feminism demands you sacrifice your pride on the altar of their skewed historical perspective
What’s a very controversial hill that you’re willing to die on?
How mentally healthy are you?
Who died too young?
Daily Community Chat Megathread
This recent AskReddit question is a gold mine to spot misandry if you sort by controversial.
Just a reminder that Reddit is totally fine with harassment, bullying and threats of violence as long as they are directed towards white men.
Be honest, what truly disgust you?
Should I find women from a different country?
I regret my promiscuity lifestyle.
Why do most people say women don't care about height?
Why are women judged more harshly for their sexual history than men ?
Kraken CEO Jesse Powell: " If you worried about your assets being frozen don't keep your funds with any centralized/regulated custodian. We cannot protect you, cash out and only trade p2p."
Daily Discussion, December 20, 2021
Daily Discussion - November 28, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion - November 19, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion - November 16, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion - November 5, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion - November 4, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion - November 3, 2021 (GMT+0)
Daily Discussion, October 28, 2021