Men and their audacity never fail to suprise me
AI with proper forward bases :D
Are progressive women still judging man based on their earning /status?
Pawn archer
Where did all the good guys go?
Hey guys what do you think? Do you like it if the AI would make units more freely?
What is the use of pikeman late game?
Do alot of people still play AI matches comp stomps?
I just need to vent
Do not mess with German Jesus
My first world conquest where I puppeted the world as Japan
Do any of you see real world shit happen and think: “this could be in a focus”?
What is the purpose of the Reichskommissariats?
Which branch of superior firepower is better? (Btw I’m playing Norway)
People who have successfully found a partner on dating apps, how much time did you take for your first kiss?
Spam Phil Spencer's social media
Is this a good early game division for like 1939-1942
Are there any naval focused mods
Why is moving on so difficult?
Getting into modifying the game. Wanted to start by “fixing” Strat Bombing for SP
Simple nations without crazy mechanics?
What tanks do you guys usually use?
THIS happen in my HISTORICAL game. yes paradox, historical indeed
What are the best mods?