Anyone Else Get Called A.I. Because You Use Big Scary Words?
How to fight this
Inquiry about Egypt
Don’t understand
National guards
Why is the game still going?
Top 5 comments (not reply’s to comments) add something to the map. British Isles Edition:
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Is the most successful football team from the capital?
Which LW should I buy?
Teabags per rain cloud
Unit Type Switched
Guess what the countries in red have in common
help my troops won't stop attacking my own city??
Ranking every FIFA based on the soundtrack
Erm what the fuck?
Im hopping on the train (Would you name your children after these countries in Africa?)
Top 3 do something to Vatican (Day 1)
Hungary or not Hungary
I would not name my dog after any of these
I need help
Autonomous communities and cities of Spain it is socially acceptable to name your child
Getting kicked for inactivity every single time