Shōnen fans have a completely butchered definition of canon.
Should Knack decks focus less on 0 costs artifacts?
35 pokes february - The meta in a picture form
Magicians of Catan
Nature's Rememberer
[DFT] Aetherdrift Full Spoiler Discussion Thread (PDH)
Am I crazy or is this art AI?
Speed Racer
[DFT] Engine Rat
What would you do?
[DFT] Guidelight Synergist
[DFT] Magmakin Artillerist
So good...
[DFT] Lightwheel Enhancements
[DFT] Voyager Quickwelder
[DFT] Wreckage Wickerfolk
TK Role Idea: Hangman
My kinda clumsy take on neo-planeswalkers that feel like getting help from another player. Maybe could use a different formatting style.
[DFT] Nesting Bot
[DFT] Perilous Snare
Dredge (1) is an amazing mechanic imo and should be evergreen. Its like if wotc printed hightuple strike cards then decided first strike should be a 9 on the storm scale because of that.
[DFT] Cloudspire Coordinator
[HATED Tropes] Men are cool monsters, women are slightly different humans
Something worth pointing out: The big cats in KFP (like Tigress and Tai Lung) have plantigrade feet but the canines have digitigrade feet.
Most balanced AA list I've ever seen