No other racing game I’ve ever played, has these type of natural, vicious, chaotic cinematic ‘sequences’. Race after race. It’s incredible.
Used ChatGPT for essay. How fucked am I?
WTF, Burnout and classic F1 cars in Wreckfest? The PC version of the game is going insane.
Digitakt vs Octatrack in 2023: is the Digi better at anything?
You SHOULD care about AI in this game….
AGI has arrived
Activision is not going to be happy
Casio SK-1 Verses Alesis Microverb III. Note the nice distortion of the preamp on the Alesis.
Anyone know what the different whistles mean in prop hunt?
Genshin impact looks incredible on this console
My supposed endgame setup, Hegel H390, Focal Kanta 3s and a Rega Planar. If only I could hear the sub… (it’s mostly audible when standing up from the couch, guess the ceiling or the mass wood table are causing issues)
Who still uses the default Mail app?
What do high-end speakers realistically provide that mid-priced speakers do not?
iPhone mirroring use cases?
Finally Upgraded!!!
Is it just me, but does anyone else have to charge their iPhone 13 2-3 times per day?
Anyone else treating 4K like the final physical format?
I used to make people uncomfortable (unintentionally) AMA
Rolling techno
I'm lost...
I love the Digitone... AGAIN.
Toneverk elektron statement
Is it just me or can techno enthusiasts and fans be a bit snobby at times? I just want to know why it’s common, if it is.
Is spending 300€ for headphones enough?
Weekly Showcase Thread October 06, 2024