How is a game from 2018 this stunning?!
Wir planen eine Küche! Bitte helft uns mit euren Erfahrungen!
Who are some rising stars in the fantasy landscape from the past couple years?
Does anyone know any REAL fast-paced fantasy books.
Books 4-6 hardcover reprint dates?
MP9 go brrrrr 🙂
Ich arbeite als Fitnesstrainerin in einem Fitnessstudio, AMA
Grinding CS while getting my ass in shape (Progress Report, Week 6)
Hat euch auch schon einmal eine Stromberg Weisheit im Alltag weitergebracht?
Recent Book Haul. Which one should i read first?
What are your worst takes for skins (idk what flair to put)
Peirce Brown getting inspiration from Medieval Times for the Red God finale 😮
Any stats majors want to take a stab at what Valves ranking system is doing?
Myth "Vac working" : Confirmed (very rare though)
Valve please fix, unranked players of similar skill & rating season 1 cannot queue. We've played ~10 games together
Just bought this on sale, haven’t seen many posts about it . Opinions?
From Romania to the world.
I’m Never returning to Ips
Best posts by that crazy guy?
Wo kann man günstig Windows 10/11 Pro Lizenzen kaufen – und sind sie sicher?
Red God Update
Beste Ernie Szene?
Suche gutes world building bei Fantasy
Auswahl der richtigen Maschine
LG 27GR95QE-B $300