Good morning Sagittarius which mood is it today?
This hit close to home.
As a sag woman I admit I'm vain and kinda obsessed with myself.
Why people say leo men are kryptonite to sag women?
AITA for not being affectionate enough with my friend?
Is Sagittarius a logical sign or an artistic sign - if one is to assess objectively
Love letter to Sagittarius…
Can we be truthful for a minute? I have a question which signs tend to get turned on from slightly toxic relationships? As in starting a fight or argument than getting turned on and it leads to having aggressive or hot sex
What sign does this in your experience?
For your relationships that imploded (romantic or otherwise), what tended to be the issues?
Why i find virgo men so attractive😩
Unfulfilled Sags
It's true though 💯
Lord forgive my Sag mouth
are Libra men like that?
Maybe its just me?
Do other Sags experience this?
Is this us?
Is it just me that hears BPD undertones in almost all music nowadays??
Anyone else having vivid intense dreams every night?
How many Libra Sag relationships we got?
Sag men communication
Why do Sag and Aries go bad
who dis???