Which anime is it for you?
Trigger the fan base with one sentence
Chapter 290 Title Drop
When one of the strongest characters retires and gets really out of shape.
Accidentally trans characters
[Hated Trope] Redundant names
Who loves fighting and enjoys being violent the most?
Exasperated store-owners who just kinda have to put up with the protagonist's shit.
RCT 2: The Wild Tiger, Wakatsuki Takeshi has been chosen for the first slot of the tournament. Who will be the second fighter?
When the villain’s name is Evil McBadguy
Name a character that no one can make u hate ?
Who are the Ise Dragons is strike it rich ?
Kengan Omega Ch. 287 (Comikey)
Who is your muscle mommy?
My taste in women
How comes first to your mind
What are some super heroes/villains you want to see The Boys parody?
The fight is great and all but this is utter nonsense
What is the worst thing Ms Marvel has done?
What’s your favorite example of a villain fighting a different hero than their usual?
I'm either gonna get praised or mauled by this
Give me an anime character and I’ll rank how hot they are.
Kiyomasa was chosen! Now who was meant to be hated and was hated?
Kengan Omega Ch. 286 (Comikey)
What anime character is this?
What would you name this team?