Pro-prosecution people: what motivates your take
Nobody, absolutely NOBODY needs to know that you work out naked, you disgusting, attention-seeking clown…
What are some astonishing yet simple facts that would delight a 4-year-old daughter’s nightly request for a bedtime fact?
What's a common thing people say that makes no sense?
Performative BS
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your shirt say?
The dreaded turkey neck
Kelly’s fit
Who are they? Wrong answers only!
Has there ever been a celebrities death hit you hard?
What's something that people turn into their whole personality?
What was your starting hourly pay?
Catelyn and Tyler would rather C be poor than to be with B&T
The shorts
Habeas response tomorrow? (1/30)
Upcoming people's magazine article about the brothers,shared by Robert Rand on his instagram page
Would you have voted for Brandon Walsh had he ran for president last year?
Looking for a post about mooching SIL
The headlines triggered me to bring this back up…
OJ simpson - the luckiest man in LA and the brothers the unlukiest men in LA? Another one Mr Rand may be interested in contributing to?
What would you ask Robert Rand?
The way I ran here
A character everyone is fond of but you don’t like