Help me settle an argument: is she a 🐈⬛, 🐍 or 🦭?
[discussion] show me your cute pets to help cheer me up!
Just found this sub. Meet Freya! She’s our 1 year 2 month good girl
Behold! My cat loves belly rubs!
Ruby makes this little squeak every time she jumps down from any height, and it’s the cutest thing ever. She’s been doing it since I adopted her, almost 3 years ago
How many gems do you keep in storage?
Club Pacing
JC please! Trying to get the owl to get the yellow potion but no matter where I tap only MC gets highlighted
The Bunker has WiFi?
Roller coasters after brain surgery
[Discussion] What is an interesting or unusual fact about yourself?
I'm a bad parent!!!
I feel so sorry for new players
Dobby has received the final inkwell. Dobby is free!
Does anyone know what this is on the beach? It was just there when I logged in!
I had surgery but am doing fantastic. Post your cat and I'll rate them on an accurate scale! Cat tax included
I’m not a pet person.
[discussion] what is your favorite flavor of Girl Scout cookies?
What is a Trash Plant?
New loading screen
New cat owner. This is a trap, right?
How long would it take for the DMV to show my license as suspended, if it was? [California]
[Episode Discussion] Ghosts S04 E14 - “Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle" - Feb 27, 2025
My mom is replacing the couch
I just started the show and I really like Sam and Jessica’s dynamic! She seems really good for him!