How do people stay at the same job for YEARSSS?
8 months in today
My best friend passed away, and I am trying to add her second dog to this photo to use at her funeral. I appreciate any help.
How much would you pay for this hairstyle?
Lost my mom 1/04/24
Do I look like an alien
Did I make a mistake with the green chairs?
I bought this (29m), Should I not wear it in public?
How to live after losing your only son?
Small towns in the US that have diversity??
My son died 6 months ago-"friend" told me to "Choose Joy" this season.
Just ranting about how ridiculous it is we are expected to send our infant children to daycare so early
when did you start to feel like a mom?
What songs do you sing to your baby that aren’t traditional lullabies/children’s songs?
My girlfriend killed herself lastnight
I’m a total newbie looking for a pen pal
What Does My Brothers Fridge Say ? 😂
What is the worst thing that your puppy has ate? I’ll go first.
My gf found this stray kitty and she needs a name, something Christmasy and unique.
Did pregnancy permanently change anything about you?
Is this an Art Deco ring ?
Sweet feel better gift from my mom
“You sound like you’re doing good”
Feel less scared of death?
Can you guys help me feel less guilty for my mums death