Movies or Series? Why?
When is a good age to switch from girl/boy to woman/man when addressing someone?
How old are you?
If there was a 91 percent chance that you could fly if you jumped out of a plane, would you do it? Why?
If Greta Thunberg invited you to her podcast, would you accept? Why?
If you were the Mayor what would be your first order of business?
How do you respond to someone telling you they are an orphan? How do you tell them get well soon?
What’s something you don’t believe is real?
What’s something you learned as a child that turned out to be false?
What’s a guilty pleasure of yours?
When did you first realize birds aren’t real?
If you could cure racism or all cancer which would you choose? Why?
Would Skynet really be that bad? Why or why not?
What’s the best way to stop climate change?
If you had to survive on your own with no electricity in either Saudi Arabia, Antarctica, or the Amazon rain forest, which would you choose? Why?
In your opinion, Do AI packaged products provide any real world value in their current state? Why?
What if you woke up and your name was Terri From Accounting?
How can we tell you aren’t a lizard person?
Which Harry is the best Harry?
Do you think Mark Zuckerberg got plastic surgery? Why?
Which place has the most unfriendly people, in your opinion?
What are your thoughts on the word Weird?
New Yorkers of Reddit, why are you so cold to tourists?
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
Did you like W? Why or why not?