Ontario removes all US alcohol from shelves. The people who gave us McConnell for decades to feel the pinch.
What harem series comes to mind when you watch this AXE commercial?
Hellmarine 2 is out. Space demons have been reeeeaal quiet ever since. More lore, more gore, more dark fantasy sci fi mayhem. Don't miss it!
Movies that no one else remembers that you regularly think about.
Those with Android devices. Star Wars KOTOR 1+2 are both free on Epic Games store right now and play perfectly!
Has Jim ever expressed losing interest in the Dresden series?
Violence? Crafting? Worldwide apocalypse? Check out Apocalypse Engineering on Royal Road!
For those of you with Android devices, Knights of The Old Republic 1 and 2 are both free on the Epic Games Store this week.
New to the genre, but already think I am seeing a pattern...
Power rangers harem!
Movies with an unnecessary sex scene?
Any series where the MC and crew make short visits to alternate universes like the TV show Sliders?
Looking for "retired" badass is pulled back into it, ala John Wick, complete with OP level curb stomp/ plot armor
Which actor absolutely nailed being racist?
Books with slime girls?
Please tell her name cosplayer, i need this
Kobo showing Table of Contents but no other text on sideloaded epub.
Clothed rehearsal going on, one cheeky guy appreared naked and she gave him a real bj. everyone laughed. director called him smart Mfer
Is no one else creeped out with Aynsley??
My slow cooker frijoles charros — SUCCESS!!!
A VC firm is trying to claim this painting they bought from a garage sale is a long lost Van Gogh
Better Liquid Party Gold Dip
Caught two people having sex in a client's property
Recommendations for novels/series where the protagonist literally has a magic dick?
Downtime Site, App(s) and Personal bots