Guys, gals, and non-binary pals it's initiation time
TIFU by cumming into a coconut
The dreaded cbat story
TIFU / My (20F) girlfriend of two years told me the music that I (25M) play during sex is weird and a major turn off + Update
Updates to the "eating at a hospital cafeteria" story.
The hospital cafeteria saga
I'm absolutely speechless.
AITA for thinking my girlfriend has low self esteem after meeting her friends
After today's stream
professional streamer over Here
My man's pulling a Lance Armstrong
TIFU by scratching my balls, falling asleep and then having to have my testicle surgically removed
Fumbling the bag.😭
TIFU by doing "anything I want" with my friend if I won games of Mario Kart against her.
God forbid someone loves their pet
My friend hit his daughter and broke her ribs (not OP) along with two updates
Don't miss out on tonight's stream.
Episode 15 of the podcast
Who is the cutest anime girl for you? (cutest, not hottest)
Forgot what episode of the pod it was
A short message to the community
Never married, but is it normal to constantly take off your wedding ring?
AIO that my wife did not wear her wedding ring multiple days in a row?
AIO: For refusing to eat from dishes that have been in the dishwasher?(Not OP)
AIO: For refusing to eat from dishes that have been in the dishwasher
Let's get into that Christmas spirit.
Dad (62m) won't spend Christmas with BIL (28m) and mum (60f) is blaming my wife (36f)
Another wedding dress story
AITA for refusing to wear the wedding dress my SIL gave to me as a "wedding gift"?
Which Dollar Tree Chips Should I Try?