Random question: How many times has Yang got her ass kicked by Neo?
Alright guys, which one of the two DB tracks is superior?
Why did the writers violate Ren and ruin the only canon straight ship in the group?
Only Game Sonic understood the assignment
Some real Storm: "We don't need a cure" energies right here.
Why not use Ren at that point, at least it'll be different.
Why do you think Taiyang and Raven fell in love in the first place?
Was Weiss justified for being mad?
What first got you into RWBY and when?
If the prophecy is fulfilled
What if the bully arc was focused on Ruby instead of Jaune? Would've been better from a writting perspective?
Your TUF PS5 first elimination bout RESULTS ARE IN 🚨
People keep saying we need a bully arc. Here is my question: do we?
A funni thumbnail
Would you change Jaune’s Semblance?
Canon!Jaune vs FRWBY!Blake. Who would win in a fight?
Out of all the characters that are shown here, which one is the narcissist?
I like Oscar and Jaune but my biggest problem with this conflict is that Oscar is so reactionary in this storyline
This is RWBY twitter’s popular chart? What would R/Rwby’s look like?
Ank is not a wrestler . 🤡
In your opinion, what is the most positive thing to happen in Fallout's screwed up world, something talked about or done in any of the games that made the most happy/hopeful about this world's past, present, or future?
Stupid shadow pictures go
Max Holloway set his difficulty to champions
what would happen if these two met????
Why is this even a debate? lmao.