What PS4 Games do I need / am missing?
What is a Switch game you swear by regardless of ratings?
I'll start.
Who are they?
Safety Orange?
Drive Recklessly
LF: Shield Exclusives and/or Regidrago; FT: Sword Exclusives or Request
They look great together
Watch out, Kevin.
20M got dominant hand amputated a month ago and failing at being a streamer
Most men will receive their first bunch of flowers at their funeral.
My Collection of Beyblades Over the Years. There's not a lot I know.
Can y'all do it?
Not every story needs character development
Traditional carols are the best Christmas music. I find most modern Christmas music annoying and cringe.
I couldnt even tell that was Jolteon, Glaceon doesnt look thrilled, and Eevee looks like a cyclops