I am torn! Help!
Hope reacting to Bucky’s new song is so cringe. She barely even listens to it she just continues to eat her cheese ball lmfaoooooo
who’s gonna tell her
My DREAM dress
Weird feeling in root
Normal to have pain after over a week?
Power chain placement
Intentional power chain placement?
Got a power chain today and I’m a little worried🙃
Does this ring look rose gold?
Pinterest??? 😭😭😭
What is this?
Cavity on lateral incisor; uneven bite?
These pre molar gaps have destroyed myself confidence
Popping feeling?!
I am not able to floss! Advice needed.
Twitch Streams
it’s a salad and pasta…
Flossing molars
Merry Christmas!! 😭😍
Switch from braces to Invisalign?
INTENSE sensitivity on one tooth
Is it normal?