LIES! Chad pretends his show got struck to make people sign up to his Locals. He immediately removed the video after the stream ended, there was no strike. Not the first time he's pulled this grift, screwing over his youtube members
Kate’s Instagram post.
Chad the victim is crying that he'll get the blame for his own screw up. Announces the dumpster fire event planning is KB's responsibility now.
Rob Saul to break the Kate Meaney tapes. They will expose the Shit Weigher. Tune in on Tuesday
Is BeDabbler, Cardiff, Karl and Melton all going hard after Zumock actually funny?
Someone emailed new drunken Kate Meaney tapes to SJ. Is this a work by the nefarious Shit Weigher or are these tapes legit?
Alex Stein on ISO-pedo scandal: “Shuli should be ashamed of himself. Shuli knew. Shuli’s a liar.. I have not seen enough remorse from Shuli”
SW all about the superchat $$
Elisa Jordana says Shuli has “nothing to offer” as an entertainer
Today’s numbers are in with the views from today.
Shuli says if KB or SJ’s producer got busted with CP he would just “move on” and not address it 😉 😉
The Z-Man addresses the ISO-Pedo scandal. Says it should be talked about more often
All Hail KB. The only dude man enough to trash Shuli
Is the "hackverse" losing momentum? Or maybe a better question is is the dabbleverse losing momentum?
Anyone know what this is?
Whatever happened to this guy?
Slander from TSN. Was ISO Stuttering John’s mole?
How many of you cannot stand that little upturned smirk shuli makes when he spazzws out?
Great question by the tiny esquire
Geno addresses Kevin, Ray & Teamster Tim
Bobby stated w/ Vince TSN paid him $5k a month on Levyverse today, final month was $3k
What am I missing team Chad?
I have a l theory of what Bob Levy’s TSN bomb is. I believe shulis wife left him and he is separated from his wife and kids!
By Chad's own definition, he is officially a Dabbleverse guy now.
Meme Copium analyzes Melton's physique