Adding some drums to a short demo idea I’m working on. I’m such a sucker for the synthwave vibes
Been inspired by all the drummers doing the metric modulation stuff with “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” so I decided I’d write a little tune based around that modulated shuffle and play some drums to it
Broke my brain my brain a little bit working out this weird linear groove the other day. Here’s the same groove at 3 different tempos
Same groove, 3 different tempos. A wild linear cowbell groove I was messing with a few days back. Which tempo to you prefer?
Welcome to touring in 2025
Dialing in tones and layering percussion sounds. Having a blast lately working on my home recording chops
Musicians Not Wanting To Be "Content Creators"
Practicing Rudiments While watching Tv
I try to make this fill as ridiculous as possible to make my bandmates laugh but they always just want more
Types of grips?
Absolutely definitely not Matt McGuire inspired 👀
It's not often I get to play covers, but I always have fun when this one shows up!
Should I practice with heavier sticks ?
Let’s stop calling AI generated songs “music”
Fast grooves and fast fills
Honestly, blacked out for that last fill. Had to rewatch the footage
Recently put die cast hoops on my Ludwig Acrolite and I'm SHOCKED at how much it changed the sound
Giving myself some whiplash on tour in Canada
Fun with the cabasa
Is it feasible to get into music composition school without playing a traditional instrument, and with influences I know most professional musicians dislike?
Confusion over AI made music vs. music
Who is the most technical punk rock drummer?
“Above playing covers”
Practical Applications of Paradiddles
Cover Band Ethics - what should musicians be paid for?