What are your thought$ on celebrities whose careers didn’t go as planned and are now working regular jobs?
The Lady in My Life ranks 20th on Rolling Stone's "50 Terrible Songs on Great Albums"
Getting notified of a timed offer (round robin) and it’s disappearing in less than a second after the app opens?
Mj didn't fall off after bad
Does anyone still have Michael Jackson: The Experience HD for iPad & iPhone?
Kendrick’s Halftime Performance just barely beats Michael’s as the most watched halftime performance of all time!!
A fight broke out in the mall during a Jordan release sneaker event, resulting in fatalities.
So did bad tour actually make $2 billion
The "Human Nature" performance from This Is It will always be so good
No tax on tips? Good for us?
Can we all agree?
This is what InShot thinks Michael is saying
Selena singing DSTYGE
Selena singing Michael Jackson 😁
Who’s the queen of oversinging/doing too much? 🤣
ANOTHER fact about the Super Bowl show
Not many people know this, but the Super Bowl XXVII performance featured fake Michael Jackson fans. Since no one wanted to go to his show, the audience had to be made up of Jackson's relatives.
Chris Brown - Michael Jackson Tribute (2010) 4K
41 years, and I’ve yet to see anyone pull up to the Grammys drippin like this 🥵
Put some respect on his name 👑
Bruno X Gaga MJ Cover?👀
Janelle Monáe performing Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough at the Grammys
I rolled the dice
Yeah, that's going to be a NO. Not pretending to be your friend, so you can get a food delivery that you won't even tip me on.
Any tips on how to get rid of all these forks and get better connections? I comb a lot