The horrors a confession tumblr moderator has to suffer
Say something that absolutely terrifies you about Nezu’s body
Your next line is...Yo Angelo
What aspect of the show you don't want to change?
Be assertive
Who do you think would do this in a fight?
Max teaching Ortega how to block mid fight
"Bring me his head🦀"
Good lord what's wrong with you people?!
DB if it was written by Oda
Finally, a Torah-approved doujinshi (558603)
A group of islands formed from the corpse of the primordial dragon. Its heart became a volcano.
Hey Weiss I have a question. Does Esdeath know you raid her wardrobe?
Which C.Ai user type are you?
Diana is not good with kids
Many h-doujins with this setting. Why Japanese get horny at funerals?
Pick yourself a superpower and I'll give you your second superpower
At Frankfurt Zoo, two Sumatran tigers have just been born. A third, lifeless cub was eaten by the mother as part of natural behavior for hygiene and safety reasons.
I’m Simon Racioppa, co-showrunner of the Invincible animated series. Ask me anything!
When you're the strongest human in the world, but you're outclassed by an alien warrior race so you've become a joke within the fandom thanks to your multiple gruesome deaths
How would you write the Team STRQ + Children Family?
Have they fucked? Cuz what the hell is this?
IRyS as a Rotten Girl