Just made this gif. What's your funny caption?
Wth is this thing?
After the X and (If they ever decides to bring them back and weren't dealt with off-screen between Fusion and Dread)Corrupt Federation cells are dealt with do you want the series and Samus's story to continue or to finally reach it conclusion?
I'm scared for Metroid Prime 4
What was it like back during prime halo?
According to Klub Outside, Ichigo studied English in the UK
Most vile episodes??
Ridley Redesign (@possumxking)
So, is Metroid Prime Hunters a Hero Shooter?
Best cool looking armor?
Is there a lore reason as to why Zebes, SR:388 and Tallon IV have such similar wildlife?
Dread Has Good Music
Do you think Samus ever spends time in her ship just crying?
Why do you think are these Husks in the Genesis Chamber in Prime 3?
Will there ever be a game like rumble fighter?
Troubles with Mtrue private server
Poll - which Metroid Prime game has the best OST?
A few timeliness questions
What is your favorite track from Metroid Dread (that isn't a remix of a track from previous titles)?
Worst Prime 2 copy you will see today
Metroid Dreads
Metroid Prime 4 hope: other than the EMMI, the worst part of Dread was the music
Dark Aether Shower Thought
Which is the best?
How would you feel if MegaMan returns but its a completely new MegaMan?