Akula class when? :((
Fakour 90 kill launched from 100 km.
[Reminder]Gaijin Entertainment: "We're not the greedy bastards here"
The RIM-8 Talos is currently broken and can't pull off its historically accurate 60+ mile killshots vs aircraft, even if they're at 37000 feet.
Realistic Duna spacecraft
to duna
3 Tracks to listen to while playing SP (apart from Game music ofc)
How long y’all think we got before mods get truly insane?
Could a team using real life tactics beat a team using „game“ tactics
So, I did a thing.
Modders,You know what to do.
People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force Top Gun
Project 945A Kondor/SIERRA II-class SSN "Pskov" (B-336) during Navy Day on July 27, 2020. Note the VGS-3 Ros-V/LAMB TAIL helicopter dipping sonar. Photo by Dmitry Dubov.
Alexei... We made wrong turn.
Proposal for the replacement of the MCX and AR-15 rifles
Tips on Tiger II (H)
You got mail
This came to me in a dream
"No survivors."
Is there any way to emergency blow a submarine?
When 500% Booster works
I recently bought war on the sea hoping for it be ww2 sea power oh boy was I wrong.
Scouting is a very balanced mechanic
Low performance although GPU is not fully used
Donald Trump als 47. Präsident der USA vereidigt