im tired guys i dont know if i can keep going
What is your art?
Porn has fucked with peoples minds.
Here’s my nuka cola tattoo
im ok don’t worry
I wish I could tell everyone the truth about him
there is no way anyone else is real
I really can’t keep going
excited to finally be able to rest
really been struggling lately just need somebody to talk to
Positive resources for women in gaming
Throwing it all away
Ny boyfriend (M22) was treating his crush better than me (F21)
I (28M) accidentally found myself in a love triangle at the same time (24F and 24f) Seeking advice what I should do?
What has bipolar taken from you ?
Bipolar and Alcohol
Tremor is almost gone but I'm now in horrible pain
I’m struggling to keep going
Do I tell my ex 22m how he hurt me? 21 f
Anyone else have late periods?
I don't understand why I don't have friends
Accidentally took two doses
AITA for not wanting to talk.
ADHD Medication with a Bipolar Diagnosis
Am I(21M) the problem or she(20F) is just nitpicking every time?