Can you guys suggest me some mindfvck suspense thriller /psychological thriller movies like shutter island,forgotten,The call, predestination , source code?
I am listening to a waz today
when are we arranging a strong protest against rapists and the law that favours them?
কুমিল্লায় শহীদ মিনার ভাঙচুর
How do you keep yourself safe in Dhaka given the current situation in our country?
The couple injured by the Uttara muggers are not husband and wife!
Islamists threatening Aarong for using women’s pictures in their advertisements
Chinese Bangladeshi scammer, please avoid
"De-1971-ization" or "De-Liberation-ization" in Bangladesh!
Out of the loop, can someone explain to me what is going on in Bangladesh Womens Football?
ভোদাই পুলিশ(1)
BD Police askes proves for July Massacre.
Another achievement, we reached the top post in /r/soccer today :)
Why do official people tend to use Bijoy Bayanno instead of Avro?
বন্দুক থেকে গুলি বের হয়ে গেসে...
সেনাকুঞ্জে মুজিবের যেই ভাষ্কর্যটা দাঁড়ায়া আছে, সেইদিকে কবে যাওয়া হইতেছে?
Student led political party on the way
Satisfying Water Cleaning
Buffet Places in Dhaka
Demolition of sheikh mujibs house
পরিবার পরিকল্পনার নামে জনসংখ্যার ক্রাইসিস তৈরি হচ্ছে: শায়খ আহমদুল্লাহ
Carrying Knives
All that work and what did it get us?
Missing Schoolgirl Suba Found, Says She Will Return to Her Father