too extreme?
pastors income
Prayed to Lucifer while my parents prayed over me
Do Christians really believe in Jesus?
Leave the Past in the past
I really needed to vent
Podcast recommendation
The pentecostal who bullied me got fired a few days ago
My homophobic aunt cheated on my uncle with the youth pastor....and she thinks I'm the evil one for being gay
can’t get away from jesus
Been posting a while. I cannot fully kick my fear of hell. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Can someone give me some hope
jesus walking today (hypothetical)
Numbers 15:32-36
Thoughts on PK’s
Please help me with my daily fear of Hell
Did you question what else you could be so blind to?
Dismissive Christians
That Defining Moment
Worship Music
Advice with close Christian friends
playlist for leaving a cult