If Angels used meat suits so they wouldn’t burn human’s eyes, why are they still wearing meat suits in heaven when its just them?
So is he still banned from Dreamcon?
guest characters i want at any point in future
Star Wars fans have a fundamental misunderstanding of the force and how it works
Instead of making all the characters free, what do you think about offering a free trial run?
Most fan created move-sets are terrible
The og 12 being uncuttable isn’t a rule
One Piece's lore is genuinely astonishing
Just watched 15x10 and wow this show was a waste of time…
What Character Would Others Cut That You Strongly Disagree With?
The Problem With Marvel And DC Comic Characters In Battle Boarding
Death Battle is a decent show which accomplishes what it sets out to do: a good portion of its fans just don’t try to understand what its goals are (and this is partially Death Battle’s fault).
Real talk. Kamek needs to be in the next Smash Bros.
Thoughts on characters who are otherwise superhuman, but just as vulnerable to getting shot or being stabbed as a regular human?
Superman isn’t too strong. His villains are too weak.
Everyone Can’t get into Smash
[Avatar: The Last Airbender] Reasons why Zutara should've happened instead of Katang.
Hot Take: I want a multiversus 2 that keeps the current characters but makes them all free and makes the game like the beta.
Light Yagami Vs Dean and Sam Winchester (Death Note vs Supernatural)
Fans Can’t Stand Weakness in Protagonist
The Surprising Lack of Sympathy for Sam in Season 8
Idk just found it kinda funny
I’m not really feeling the CGI for The Thing in the F4 trailer
since we re all gonna die, Say your most sincere opinion about anything in the game