Jesse Monday
What medicine fixes this?????
"Am I able to carry your husband out of a fire? He got himself in the wrong place."
After 1 year in-game, I`m almost done with my colonization of Forgotten Island.
Looking for good storage ideas for all my board games.
Hear me out, this is how they bring back this show.
What are the chances of this?
I got frostbite yesterday. My ears felt like they were made of wood, truly bizzare
Am I missing an item? #8?
My shoulder pain wouldn’t go away, so I got an MRI… turns out my AC joint looks like a dog!
knew she looked familiar...
My first build with more than 800 pieces
Christmas pulls. I'm still in shock.
Any other lucky god pack winners out there?
Buried in my mom’s safe for 20+ years. I just got it for Christmas.
Am I losing my mind?
What are the odds of getting this insane pack?!
What’s the 14 mean?
What’s the chance of this ??
ID Request
Secret Mission
Really Really Disappointed
I love when they do this in movies.
On rewatch: that’s Rukia, Orihime, and …Hashbrowns?