“Alright, if Rc7 then Rxe7 and if Bxd6 then Rb7#. Pretty sure I’m winning! Alright I got em. Let’s check the analysis…”😬😅
these fuckin mods man
Should you just use every cat you get once you reach a certain user rank?
On chess ethics
Both defenders suffering from absolute pin
Can you say “yes” in another language
I'm wonder (12k lichess) Why White have advantage in this opening position although white lost his/her castling Right
Arjun suffered second loss in 3 games and Pragg is leading with 2.5/3
On today's episode - White wins
I'm starting chess, is there any way to begin well?
It is the last one left
Best channel to watch chess in?
Fuck my upstairs neighbors.
I just wasted 3000 cat food
What's your favorite opening when playing white?
Are white knight cyclops and gravi worth investing? I don't want to waste xp on another useless uber
When should I take a Bishop and Knight for a Rook: Always, Sometimes or Never?
Finished the school tournament.
Why do people clown on the London System?
[Discussion] Banner spending?
[fluff] I have the most powerful aphrodite
What is your favourite response to d4? 1700 rated
Don't EVER accuse me of being uber carried [fluff]
This one was easy, but a total energy waste…
How hard is corrupted bahamut cat compared to corrupted Valkyrie?