Vocal stimulation? Do you do this?
How do you exercise?
Some thoughts if you like to use 🍃
What’s your top 5 tv shows?
What’s the darkest tv show you can think of?
What's your weirdest/most unique sensory issue?
Part of executive dysfunction or something forgetting to eat earlier then being too tired to make food?
I want to start weening off weed/dabs
Does Trazadone actually work for anyone?
What one song (studio or live) makes you the most emotional? Or gives you that transcendental moment that is unmatched?
Does anyone have ADHD and struggle with abusing marijuana?
What do you do for your dopamine hit?
how’d you realize you had adhd?
Song in head every morning.
I never knew that I would be a huge fan of musicals 'til a year ago
Which jobs do you have that work out for you and ADHD?
Is anyone actually exercising 4-5 days a week? If so, how does it feel to be superhuman? (Actually though, how do you make it work?)
Do any of you stick with only wearing black or one color?
Has anyone mastered the ability to put their phone away out of reach and go to sleep on time?
When did you first hear Phish and first see them live?
What are your funniest past hyper obsessions that you now don't care about?
Anybody want to talk about existential dread
Vyvanse accelerates aging?
Melancholic/Sad classical pieces - recommendations
What’s that one specific live individual song or sequence that you hold special to you?