Who was the best president named John?
What President/Vice President looks like a stereotypical politician?
Who was the best president named James?
Is Gerald R Ford an underrated president? Why or why not?
Change My Mind: James Garfield is the most underrated American president
If Ross Perot won the 1992 election, what would his Presidency have been like?
Who's home run or foul ball did you catch?
Whos a guy you have or had completely unwarranted hate for?
William McKinley campaigned for president in 1896 from the front porch of his house
Why did Obama pick Biden over Hilary for VP?
Conservatives/right wingers on this subreddit, who are your favorite and least favorite presidents (remember Rule 3)
Despite our Political Differences, I enjoy this subreddit.
Was Richard Nixon the most physically unattractive president this country has ever had?
Which president is the most interesting? Or rather the president you enjoy learning about the most?
Which president greatly admired another president?
Which president had the best sounding voice?
Who’s the most forgettable president?
Presidents are usually vilified while in office, but after they leave they are given more humanity. Are there any Presidents you think had absolutely no humanity and were absolutely all around horrible monsters?
what made Bill Clinton different from other Presidents?
Say something nice about each losing candidate since 1984
Who is the best president that won the presidency without the popular vote?
This man got us a budget surplus, Pax Americana, 22 million jobs, a paid-down national debt, made the 90s great and some people on here think he's a bad president. SMH
In retrospect, was Watergate even that bad?
Since George and Jeb Bush became governor of Texas and Florida respectively, neither state has had a Democratic governor.
Find good qualities in historically unpopular presidents