Would love to see linus do a feasibility study on this with elijah. The amount of chaos this will generate would be beautiful
Some people have no shame…
Wir haben es nicht gewusst!!!
Wat is het dan wel?
The second salute of Elon Musk.
Heren, welke plek pissen jullie?
Any ideas to turn off or hide this LED light bar? Looks like most of Chinese car (Changan, Geely ..etc.)
Ok does this count?
waarom vraag je het dan
Are we going to have 2b2t 2?
Thermal energy device
When you really want a PS5 but only have two old consoles.
Serious Request
Advice for first Voron build
He is doing it on perpuse. Change my mind!
F1TV subscription price increase by 90%
Im the next stroll💯💯
Silly question: is there a recommended orientation for the board?
You just plug and play and it's good to go.
Gradually losing steps when printing multiple objects
Resin inside Z motor?
Bathroom Faucet adapter
I’ll take option A