Lloyd Smucker
What are some Kaiserreich inside jokes?
Jumpscares in RDR2..
whats with all the fuuka hype?
Daily Queen Song Discussion #175: Yeah
What New Maps Would Players Like To See?
Could, and what if the white guard won the Russian civil war?
Redditors are trying to start a "New England Independence" movement to secede from the US. IT'S HAPPENING.
What are your creepcast hot takes?
"Press Turn" vs "One More"
Which Danganronpa is your favorite?
Alr, instead of removing stuff from RDR2, what would you ADD to rdr2 if you were given the chance.
What is the best persona second battle music take over vs time to make history vs it going down
CreepCast Episode Elimination Tournament: Day 18
How the fuck do you get to the top of this thing?!
Would it be uncouth to start a sub simply for stories written by fans and sorry submissions?
What’s your favourite cop car in the series?
Why Did He Do This?
What did we think of Berries in the Window?
Any hope classic Zelda elements could return?
Which Queen song is that?
Life Of Luxury for CreepTV
Why do you not drink alcohol?
CreepCast: Berries In The Window (OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD)