This game has gotten impossible to earn anything
Can someone explain this
Prep Outfit Variant Crest Event - MEGATHREAD
Fall Carnival - MEGATHREAD
So who's staying at the end of Year 7 rather then going to Beyond for now?
Blast From the Past Owlet Crest Event - MEGATHREAD
Valentine's Day Dance Night Outfit Full Marks - MEGATHREAD
House Themed Neutral Sweater Club Constellation (Dragon) Event - MEGATHREAD
Chocolate Frogs Event 28 - MEGATHREAD
Events: Sep 15-22: CC, FM, Crest x2
1990s 3 Variant Crest Event
Definitely gonna grind for this one
Sep 11 event - Crests
Jackalope energy Crest event MEGATHREAD
Tasks for Beyond by attributes
Choo-Choo, it is you! Ah, heart melting! Backstory, resolving! Evil, fading away.
Can anybody remember where I would’ve gotten this outfit from? Was it in the store or was it a special one? It’s been ages, so I honestly can’t remember!
Hogsmeade Carnival Event - MEGATHREAD
Pages House Pride - MEGATHREAD
Gold Toffee Puzzling Potions Event - MEGATHREAD
Shadows of the Dark Lord Time-Limited Side Quest - MEGATHREAD
Oppugno Spell Duelling Event - MEGATHREAD
Time to reduce energy requirements
Events: Aug 16-25 - Duelling, CC, Potions, Crest, HP, Crest
Generic Full Marks MEGATHREAD