Has anyone noticed the sudden increase of people going afk in their game ?
Tried my hands at improving the Black Rose Elise Skin
How long does it usually take for a game to be cracked/repacked?
How to become comfortable in ranked mode ?
Ban recommendations for my champ pool(top lane) and how to lane as weak early games champs?
How to deal with teemo toplane?
How to lane against champs like tahm kench , garen, mordekaiser and gwen?
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Can someone please make prestige faerie court katarina ?
Need some good fiora skins
risen legend leblanc anyone??
Irelia or Kayn
Does any one have working fakers ahri or leblanc skin ?
Need a working highnoon yone or spirit blossom yone skin
How to lane against champs like darius, garen,sett?
can someone help me why in 14.19 patch all official skins have black splash art in game a white in minimap pls help?
league of legends rp gift card removed permanently?
How to play well when getting counterpicked ?
Need a consistent duo in fortnite
Never would i thought i will beat 2 bosses back to back in my first souls game
Is it okay to explore in this game first ?
My usb mouse gets disconnected for a few seconds when my gaming laptop switches from igpu to nvidia gpu (and vice versa)
Asus ROG strix G17 vs Lenevo LOQ , which one is better??
Epic is the literal defination of Elo hell
Which hero should i buy ? Lancelot or Ling