Gut das ich NICHT auf euch gehört habe...
Possible Rental Scam in Frankfurt? Looking for Advice
Wird bei euch (auch) die Arbeitszeit so 'offen ausgelegt'?
Frauen sind in Partnerschaften selten die Hauptverdienerin
Wie viel seid ihr bereit für 100k € Jahresgehalt zu tun?
Eagle 110mm Rocket Pods and Orbital Railcannon Strike
I finally got enough super credit as a f2p to buy my second premium warbond
Should I take heed of the anti-immigrant wave and give up on my plans to be a highly-skilled migrant in Germany?
Can we point out how terrifying the Helldivers must be from Automatons' perspective?
What is the smart vote gonna be on Sunday?
A hellbomb ready for harvest
Ooh baby a triple
Is it just me or the current Kai'Sa build sucks ass?
Die kommenden Generationen werden Autos nie wieder so wahrnehmen wie wir es tun.
Strategems for Predators?
Predator Strain actually makes the game hard.
New bugs are on Erata Prime now! Lets crush them! The only good bug is a dead bug! 🥾🪳💥
Scheidung nach 8 Jahren Beziehung 7 Jahre Ehe
Depot als Familienvermögen, wir bitten um Hilfe.
Roaming Stalkers introduced, the Cookout stonks have never been higher.
Game balance
Which region do you dislike the most in germany?
Breakdown of Warbond items since release.
You see, you can just shoot flying overseers with a primary, but THESE dumb things? The worst.
Killing yourself with a 500 that lands not where you threw the strategem right as time expires