YMCA bathroom
Changing a friend's tire and one of the lug nuts is different from the others. How do I remove this?
“Go to college, it won’t be that bad”
Not my gulf
I hate how math teachers only teach one variant of a problem and expect the class to get the rest
I’m a mathmatician. AMA.
I hate counting
Real life
I was 18 and thought this picture made me look badass. (My mom took the photo)
Gen Z in a nutshell
What's the best math course you have taken in 2024?
The Reimann hypothesis will be solved by AI apparently
What are some subtle signs that someone is a dead person?
calculus vs real analysis
What area of mathematics do you struggle with the most, and why?
On the last day of real analysis we learned you can't divide by zero. The gasps were audible
Can we all go around the room and share how many times you failed a major core class?
What is the dumbest thing a classmate has said?
What is your favorite cocktail to drink?
What’s something so simple, yet you’re so horrible at?
What is something you believe gets too much hate for no reason?