RANT: Its unfortunate that people don't make as much, or more noise even, about the lack of Quality of Life updates compared to Trading. And I 100% share the same sentiments.
(Stormeagle post) I would rather build a warlord than this
does the two player starter set come with everything to start playing?
Oh yummy
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Amazon deal (UK)
Options needed for a player please.
Get wrecked scalpers
Poliwrath the ungradeable
Updated family photo
Spare transfers
why is it that most of all Zelda games have a stealth section, except for TOTK and BOTW?
Do you name your knights?
Wanted to make the big boys better. What do yall think.
Is Flashpoint the Holy Grail of Gaming?
It Is Complete*.
I present: the fuck necrons list
How do you guys make wording and logos on your minis? For example the nuka cola logo on a chest or something
My cousin tried to trade this with me, I told him it's fake and he said it's real, can yall back me up so I can show him it's fake😭
Which ranged arm weapon is best
UK Ticket Buying & Selling Megathread
Neighbors dog came into our fenced property and bit my 5 year old today
Who else think this man should die?