Entire sub right now
Favorite beats in EDEN's songs?
Fav eden lyrics? Go!
Best album opener/closer?
Q30 stopped working
what does my top 5 say about me?
No shampoo + conditioner for going on 5 years, it has never felt better! Really liked how it was cut today, and wanted to show it off!
Rubik's Pictured cubes at Amsterdam and Paris
¿? Desprendo liquido preseminal cuando hablo con una chica
Eden merch in the back or am I just crazy?
Mexico's concert
What's the meaning of "I'm trying"?
my top 5 most listened songs were just Eden lol
is there like a eden "iconic" pose to take a photo?
Wondering what is everyone’s favorite track of icymi (call me back is the best one by far imo)
EDEN supports Liverpool
what happened with the logos?
i love the fact that everyone kills jon in icymi lore
If you ever used an EDEN lyric for your instagram, what lyric was it and from what song?
Every EDEN song ranked from the albums (no singles and eden project yet)
my theory to tie together all the videos
top 5 EDEN songs from each EP/LP?
Screw, marry, kill: ICYMI, no future, and vertigo