Huh, since when can you choose what type of reply you'll get?
What do yall think of my dog
What games do u think i play?
Whats you best reaction images
How do i look (f-14)
Which live-action James Gordon do you prefer?
How do I stop my foreskin from rolling in on itself while I’m doing squats?
What did yall learn from C**llou?🧐
Teenagers on r/teenagers be like:
Help finding some songs?
What should I use on Caillou
What’s ur opinion on People? (Day 4)
What is your first 100%?
My girlfriend told me she is a _____.
I Have a Question About New Game +
What is his aslume name?
I AM THE FUCKING _________.
My name is kanye west, and I am a ____
Is there any hoodie with the geep pattern?
How this guy takes the ball straight down the field for the goal. Air Soccer
Which Man is your favourite?
What song is this?
Type "I like waterfalls" with closed eyes
Help getting Batmite in Lego Batman 3
I wanna figure out what this community on average considers the best song by Gorillaz