OK guys, we need to talk. Would Green Bull have lost if King and Queen were at 100%?
Jozu vs Jack - Who wins?
What movie did you enjoy but probably will never watch again? Here's mine:
Who is your favorite Warlord and why?
Is Usopp a disappointment? (no character development)
Most underrated character in OP?
I kind of wished that Bellamy would join the Strawhats after the Dressrosa arc. Would he fit into the crew, what do you think?
Gun to the back of your head name 2 Fights Marco aka Stall Man has won.
Hero Power dropped from S to C after update, any tips?
Which movies have the best music?
Give me your favorite movie quotes!
Tell me your favorite Kung fu classic🥷
Marvel vs DC which universe has more potential for good Movies? What is your opinion?
The film was a trip! I thought about it a lot at the end...it really stuck in my head. Am I alone or did anyone else like it?
„Werde nicht aus taktischen Gründen schweigen“: Kevin Kühnert berichtet von homophoben Anfeindungen durch Muslime
Ein paar ehrliche Worte und Hilfe
What's the hole in this mountain?
Transfrau macht Muslim fertig? (gemacht)
Was sagt man statt "nice" und "cool"?
Intelligenz oder Weisheit
Tante hatte sex mit seinem Kumpel
Narrowing down the name
Leserbrief zur Cannabis Legalisierung aus der Lokalzeitung … mit etwas fragwürdiger Logik.
Intensiver Geruch