What game won you over because of its amazing sound design?
Unreleased MV in the limbo?
Little Big Planet es un plataformero dificl? Ando buscando un juego con niveles retantes
Is there any context to this or is this just a brainrot joke?
Elon Musk, saludo Nazi?
What are the best race specific taunts?
15 Minutes of 60 FPS Gameplay (Minor FPS hiccups but almost perfect)
New notebook, what should I do first?
KerningMS v111 review
Grubby is hosting a dota 2 inhouse soon with OnlyFangs members
¿Se la piensan comprar de salida?...
Did you ever hired Kislev's Ataman as a lord? I see no point in it, it's just boyar lord.
I've recieved his blessings, John.
where magic ?
Se les hace que es un buen precio
My vigil is done. I don't need to log in anymore
Sheinbaum impone nuevo impuesto a Airbnb y Uber
All who made this choice know what I am talking about
Que hubieran hecho ante una situación así?
Is there a game in your Steam library that NEVER gets uninstalled?
Fandom de algún videojuego que te haga decir:
If silksong comes out, I will buy it for everyone that comments
Let’s have an uninteresting raffle
¿Por qué los hombres bajos no recibimos la misma aceptación social que las mujeres gordas?
I wish rat men were an actual race of people