Maple syrup twins!
the smut in this series has incredibly bad timing….
Alberta is not entitled to half of CPP fund, says chief actuary
Need unscented moisturizer for 43 year old guy
The dog really deserves the price
Dental-care program hits 1 million patients in first six months, coverage expands
Happy Halloween from Oil Country!
Absolutely disgusting behavior from formal city councillor
Some shots from in town! Feed back welcome!
Our new foster puppy. Banana for scale.
Big Mama’s Cinnamon Roll Cake
Grandpa has meltdown at red light.
What, in all that is holy, is this!?
DIY Powdery Mildew Spray Recipe
WIBTA If I announce My Pregnancy Right After my Older Sister Using Her Exact Announcement Message
Edmonton suggestions
[OC] Literally singing about the danger, then it happens.
People don't understand how much boomers love harassing Black people. I can't count how many times I've been fucked with for no reason.
All Gender Bathroom sends boomer over the edge.
AITA for telling my dad, grandma and my dad's wife that my mom never put me in the middle, they did?
Smith tells Trudeau Alberta will opt out of federal dental plan
Orchid help please!
Smith Tells Trudeau Alberta Will Opt Out of Federal Dental Plan
Home Alone With Toddler, Almost Died, Husband Completely Shut Down
Best line in the show?