How do I SDI Pikachu Nair loops?
What southpark word/sentence got stuck in your vocabulary
Favorite move in smash ultimate?
What is the best team in the game?
What Season 16 blue team members are the only ones you like?
If you could choose one of your main’s moves to have in real life, what would it be? I’ll start:
Let's gooo!!
21F- looking to meet people [relationship] [chat]
Describe your main with a meme
Off-brand Tony
Get ready for violent 2 hour screaming sessions
Looking for a boo thang 18 F [Relationship]
D: Dave levey DAY 5: E
I got that animal whisperer autism
which one would you rather became your father ?
Please reply with some wacky sentences you've uttered while playing that 100% made sense in context at the time?
This should be entertaining
If you wanted to murder someone to escape, what would your plan be?
Tell me your favorite SpongeBob character.
Give me your favourite character…
Just wait for Carolyn
Do It
Type your username name with eyes closed.
Which animated show has you like this?
What custom shields would you give each Fighter?